HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TRAVELING THIS ROAD? Forgiveness is the longest journey any human being can travel in their lifetime. It is easy for people to ask for forgiveness but the person who has to forgive them finds it very hard to forgive because what has been done or not done to him/her doesn't get off his memory as as as the words said by the person who is asking for forgiveness. There are times where we hurt people unintentionally and when we ask for forgiveness we also take it lightly in the same way we hurt them. You would hear the person say "SORRY KE." That would just add up to the unforgiving heart to not forgive you even further. In life, there are situations that are way too deep that you even forget the definition of forgiveness & what the bible says about forgiveness. I met a woman who recently lost her daughter through a car accident and when I asked her how she was doing and how have things been and how is the court case going? She smiled and sai...